Monthly Taizé Service

I lead a monthly service at Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship that you can attend in person or online. Taizé offers an opportunity for quiet reflection amid our busy lives. It is a service of candlelight, simple music sung chant-like, readings, and guided meditation.  We meet on the first Monday of each month from 7-8 pm PST.    Learn more

Spirit Matters Podcast

I am excited to share with you that I co-produce a podcast called Spirit Matters with my friend Andrew Schoneberg. I chose this title because, as a minister,  healthcare chaplain, and interfaith spiritual director, I have a personal and professional affinity for matters of the spirit and for making meaning of our lives.

I would love you to listen in whenever you want to at Bellingham’s local radio station KMRE 102.3, where you’ll find the podcast on demand.