Born Beloved – Nothing Else Required

On Christmas morning last year, like an excited child, I woke up early, and I watched NASA launch the James Webb telescope, not having any idea how this magnificent event, and the images it’s captured so far, would be woven into a series that I would participate in this fall through Stillpoint Spiritualty Center in Bellingham.  

This past summer, in June, I attended a gathering at Stillpoint where we watched Ilia Delio give a talk on the teachings of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.  I had not yet heard of Ilia Delio, and for reasons I can’t explain, I felt drawn to attend this gathering and to listen to her teaching.  

I did not know at that time that I’d be reading Ilia’s book, The Primacy of Love, and sharing some of my thoughts about it with the Stillpoint Community and in this blog.  

Ilia would probably say that by me agreeing to share some thoughts, I am simply responding to the “energy of love that already exists” but that would presume I understand what Ilia is saying, and friends, that’s not always the case!  Maybe it’s just me, but WOW!  Ilia’s mind seems as vast to me as the Universe that the James Webb telescope is trying to capture.  Just like that telescope, I can get some images and snapshots, but it’s impossible to take it all in at once.  

If you’re so moved, I encourage you to read her blog and some of the books she’s written.  Ilia is a Franciscan Sister of Washington, DC, and an American theologian specializing in the area of science and religion, with interests in evolution, physics, and neuroscience and the import of these for theology.

I offer to you that the essence of Ilia’s book and cosmic theology is this:  That before anything ever was—before time, space, matter—there was Love.  That God’s heart full of Love exploded in the Big Bang, and that Love exploded into the creation of everything—stars, planets, moons, plants, forests, oceans, animals, humans—all of it—all of us—everything—created out of Love.  

In the beginning, was Love.  That means that Belovedness is my birthright.  Belovedness is where I begin.  

Sadly, there are many things in life that conspire to make me forget this. 

This human experience, where spirit became flesh, is both beautiful and challenging because it means we have bodies.  These bodies that are made from stardust and moonglow are exquisite!  They are also messy, and complex.  I’m guessing you probably have one or two human experiences that conspire to make you forget your Belovedness also.  For me, it takes a lot of prayer and intention, a lot of gentle wooing and self-compassion, and the love of my partner and friends, to come back to the Center.  To come back to Belovedness.

Reading Ilia’s book was an invitation to come back to my Belovedness.  It was an experience of remembering my essence before anything or any experience was layered onto it.  It was being with the Stillpoint Community and having my Belovedness reflected back to me. 

What experiences help you come back to your Belovedness? 

Who reflects your Belovedness back to you?

In the beginning, was Love.  I was created out of Love, in Love, and for Love. Belovedness is my birthright.  It is your birthright too. 

Let me end by sharing a poem I wrote based on my experiences of reading Ilia’s book: 

The Primacy of Love Pantoum 

It is a gift to be seen, to be held tenderly, in love.

The act of being held is a sweet balm to my body, heart, and soul.

When I am held and seen in this way, my whole body relaxes because I am wrapped in safety and care.

I want more of this tender love in my life.

The act of being held is a sweet balm to my body, heart, and soul.

It feels like a gentle caress and a cup of soothing tea all at once.

I want more of this tender love in my life.

What would the world be like if we all felt this?

It feels like a gentle caress and a cup of soothing tea all at once.

Love is meant to be felt and ingested so that I am completely wrapped in it and it flows in every cell of my body.

What would the world be like if we all felt this

Safe, tender, encompassing love?

Love is meant to be felt and ingested so that I am completely wrapped in it and it flows in every cell of my body.

When I am held and seen in this way, my whole body relaxes because I am wrapped in safety and care.

Safe, tender, encompassing love.

It is a gift to be seen, to be held tenderly in love.



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